Among the Analytics tool we are using,
Google Analytics is certainly the most popular in China (Based on the
noise in the local blogosphere and my own random test with Stephane Hamel's great WASP tool) It is certainly the only company with a presence in the online market with the world's largest internet population (Isn't it ironic, considering how much money is invested in acquisitions these days?).
I took the opportunity late December to drop by the GooglePlex here in
Beijing to say hello to the team. Currently Yang Zhou is handing all
the Google Analytics support for Greater China. While she is doing a
great job, it seems the priority allocated to GAnalytics in China is
still very low. With a reporting line to the AdWords team, only one
dediated resource and no budget for outreach efforts at all, this is a
very low profile presence. It seems noone at Google read my post Why Google (and Baidu) needs a Web Analytics evangelist in China. While I cannot blame them for not being a this particular club, they miss a large opportunity to trump Baidu in a market that they clearly have a long way to go
in. I understand that that AdSense and AdWords are the revenue drivers,
but showing advertisers the ROI of their search investment is clearly
the best way to get more money out of their pocket. Our data clearly
shows higher conversion, more engagement and great ROI for Search
Advertising in general and Google in particular. Analytics is the key
to these insights, and education and evangelism are sorely need. So Avinash, how about coming out here and sharing some of that Google Analytics goodness?
P.S.: Google's Yang Zhou promised to join as many Web Analytics Wednesdays as she can. So why don't you drop by and join us next Thursday if you want to meet her?
P.P.S.: You can find a version of this post on Please leave your comments there, since I plan to move this blog.
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